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The Master of Arts in International Relations program at WVPU prepares you for leadership and service in the international diplomatic, professional and academic communities. Led by a team of internationally recognized researchers, lecturers and scholar-practitioners, you will examine great powers politics, humanitarian issues and the dynamics of the international political economy, learning how to employ competing theories, methods and approaches.

Coursework provides exposure to the key subfields of the discipline and relevant issues such as international security, European integration, EU-Asia relations, terrorism and energy security. The program can open doors for work with a governmental agency, an intergovernmental organization, a nongovernmental organization or a multinational corporation. This program is also suitable if you are planning to pursue a PhD or an academic career at another institution.

Students working together on computer

Learning Outcomes

Students working together on computer

Students who complete this program will be able to:

  • Explain and apply theories of international relations, predominantly realism, liberalism, constructivism, feminism, critical theory, sub-theories and other IR-specific models such as the rational actor or bureaucratic behavior models.
  • Apply qualitative and quantitative methods to answer cross-countries research questions based on scholarly literature reviews.

In addition, students learn to:

  • Critically analyze international events and issues and identify causal relationships between variables that explain political, economic, security political, military and societal conflicts.
  • Demonstrate working knowledge of several subfields of the international relations disciplines and neighboring disciplines.
  • Analyze current political, diplomatic, economic and/or security crises of both global and regional scale and propose policy options from the perspective of various actors.
  • Demonstrate strong research skills incorporating knowledge of state-of-the-art scholarly research in several of the following fields: U.S. Foreign Policy, European Integration, Asia-Pacific Studies, Energy Security, International Law, International Political Economy, Terrorism, International Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations, and more.
  • Demonstrate effective written communication skills and produce publishable research papers at a professional or scholarly level.

MA in International Relations

The Master of Arts in International Relations (MA) enables students to analyze the complexities and processes involved in world politics and international affairs. The program prepares students for leadership and service in the international diplomatic, professional and academic communities and to compete for positions in a governmental agency, an intergovernmental organization, a non-governmental organization or a multinational corporation. This program is particularly suited for individuals seeking careers or advancement among the Vienna-based International Organizations (IAEA, UNOV, UNIDO, CTBTO, World Bank among others) and is also recommended for students planning to pursue a doctoral program or an academic career.

Stemming from a multitude of nations, International Relations students examine great powers politics, humanitarian issues and the dynamics of the international political economy, learning how to employ competing theories, methods and approaches. Coursework provides exposure to the key subfields of the discipline including International Security, European Integration, EU-Asia Relations, Terrorism and Energy Security and relevant issues such as globalization, human rights, humanitarian action and economic development.

The Master of Arts in International Relations program prepares students to take on positions of leadership and responsibility in the public and private sectors, to take on roles as advocates as well as analysts, and navigate the sensitivities and complexities of international politics, diplomacy and foreign policy to advance their cause and benefit the public good thereby keenly matching WVPU’s profile and objectives. Graduates of the Master of Arts in International Relations program are fully qualified for the degree they earned and are critical and adaptive thinkers capable of succeeding in a complex, changing and competitive labor market. The program’s strong focus on research, methods and analysis combined with frequent exposure to real-world cases ensures that its graduates are professionally ready to step in and make a difference and possess the academic background to pursue a terminal degree.

The Master of Arts in International Relations curriculum is organized into four modules:

  • A Core Competencies Module (3 courses/22.5 ECTS)
  • Cluster Modules:
    • Cluster 1: International Politics (4 courses/30 ECTS)
    • Cluster 2: Comparative Politics (2 courses/15 ECTS)
  • Electives (1 course, 7.5 ECTS)
  • Thesis (1 course/15 ECTS)

Full-time students working toward the Master of Arts in International Relations will usually carry a course load of four courses per semester. For each course in the Master of Arts in International Relations program apart from the thesis, students attend 36 hours of courses and conduct approximately another 151.5 hours of self-learning. Students working toward the Master of Arts in International Relations (MA) can complete the program in a minimum of three semesters.

Module 1: Core Competencies (22.5 ECTS)

  • INTL 5000 Introduction to International Relations (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5100 Research Methods and Perspectives .(7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5900 Advanced Research Methods (7.5 ECTS)

Module 2: Clusters (45 ECTS)

Students must select four courses from the International Politics Cluster and two from the Comparative Politics Cluster. The courses presented below are examples of classes offered in this module. New courses may be added to the course catalogue with varying topics.

Cluster 1: International Politics (30 ECTS). Select 4 of the following:

  • INTL 5510 Theories of International Relations (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5530 International Law (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5400 International Political Economy (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5540 International Organizations (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5550 War and Diplomacy (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5590 International Security (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5560 U.S. Foreign Policy (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5860 Issues in International Politics: Energy and Environmental Security (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5860 Issues in International Politics: Monetary Relations (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5860 Issues in International Politics: The Emerging Field of Geoeconomics (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5870 International Law and Politics of Outer Space (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5890 Terrorism in World Politics (7.5 ECTS)

Cluster 2: Comparative Politics (15 ECTS). Select 2 of the following:

  • INTL 5050 Comparative Politics (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5580 Politics of Development (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5625 Middle East Area Studies (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5605 Topics in Comparative Politics: EU Foreign Policy (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5605 Topics in Comparative Politics: The European Union and Asia Pacific
  • INTL 5605 Topics in Comparative Politics: The State and the Arts in the EU and the US
  • INTL 5635 Western European Area Studies (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5645 Asian Area Studies (7.5 ECTS)

Module 3: Electives (7.5 ECTS)

Students must earn a minimum of 7.5 ECTS from any of the courses below or any additional courses from the Cluster module. The courses listed below are serve as an example; actual courses offered may vary.

  • INGO 5000 Non-Governmental Organizations (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5500 Professional Seminars (1-7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5610 Non-Thesis Readings/Research (7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 5300 Field Work (1-7.5 ECTS)
  • INTL 6500 Internship (1-7.5 ECTS)

Module 4: Thesis (15 ECTS)

  • INTL 6250 Master Thesis

Please see WVPU’S Thesis Guidelines (PDF) for more information on the Thesis requirements, as well as the International Relations’ Department Graduate Thesis Guidelines on Connections (requires login).

Purpose and Scope

This Study Plan and Regulations lays out the specifications of the program Master of International Relations (MA), including the profile and learning outcomes, the structure of the curricula, program development, and the criteria for admission and conferment of a degree.

This study plan and regulations is applicable to all students pursuing the Master of International Relations starting on or after Sept. 1, 2021. It pertains to the degree (MA) offered by WVPU which is accredited by the Agency for quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria in accordance with the Private Universities Act §2 and §3(1). The requirements for U.S. accredited degrees conferred by Webster University based in St. Louis, USA may vary slightly. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisor for details.

Overview Table

Degree program name International Relations (MA)
Common form name Master of Arts in International Relations
Type of study program Master degree program
Academic degree Master of Arts (MA or M.A.)
Cycle (Bologna) 2
Organizational structure International Relations Department
Workload (ECTS) 90
Regular study period 1.5 years, 3 semesters
Course weeks per semester 12
Language of study English
Maximum intake per year 25
Study format Full time
Entry points/dates 2/begin winter/summer semesters
Beginning of the winter semester August/September
Beginning of the summer semester January/February
Internships Encouraged, but not required
Study Abroad Encouraged, but not required

Profile and Learning Outcomes

The Master of Arts in International Relations (MA) enables students to analyze the complexities and processes involved in world politics and international affairs. The program prepares students for leadership and service in the international diplomatic, professional and academic communities and to compete for positions in a governmental agency, an intergovernmental organization, a non-governmental organization or a multinational corporation. This program is particularly suited for individuals seeking careers or advancement among the Vienna-based International Organizations (IAEA, UNOV, UNIDO, CTBTO, World Bank among others) and is also recommended for students planning to pursue a doctoral program or an academic career.

Stemming from a multitude of nations, International Relations students examine great powers politics, humanitarian issues and the dynamics of the international political economy, learning how to employ competing theories, methods and approaches. Coursework provides exposure to the key subfields of the discipline including International Security, European Integration, EU-Asia Relations, Terrorism and Energy Security and relevant issues such as globalization, human rights, humanitarian action and economic development.

The Master of Arts in International Relations program prepares students to take on positions of leadership and responsibility in the public and private sectors, to take on roles as advocates as well as analysts, and navigate the sensitivities and complexities of international politics, diplomacy and foreign policy to advance their cause and benefit the public good thereby keenly matching WVPU’s profile and objectives. Graduates of the Master of Arts in International Relations program are fully qualified for the degree they earned and are critical and adaptive thinkers capable of succeeding in a complex, changing and competitive labor market. The program’s strong focus on research, methods and analysis combined with frequent exposure to real-world cases ensures that its graduates are professionally ready to step in and make a difference and possess the academic background to pursue a terminal degree.

Learning Outcomes

Students who complete this program will be able to:

  1. Explain and apply theories of international relations, predominantly realism, liberalism, constructivism, feminism, critical theory, sub-theories and other IR-specific models such as the rational actor or bureaucratic behavior models.
  2. Apply qualitative and quantitative methods to answer cross-countries research questions based on scholarly literature reviews.
  3. Critically analyze international events and issues and identify causal relationships between variables that explain political, economic, security political, military and societal conflicts.
  4. Demonstrate working knowledge of several subfields of the international relations disciplines and neighboring disciplines.
  5. Analyze current political, diplomatic, economic and/or security crises of both global and regional scale and propose policy options from the perspective of various actors.
  6. Demonstrate strong research skills incorporating knowledge of state-of-the-art scholarly research in several of the following fields: U.S. Foreign Policy, European Integration, Asia-Pacific Studies, Energy Security, International Law, International Political Economy, Terrorism, International Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations, and more.
  7. Demonstrate effective written communication skills and produce publishable research papers at a professional or scholarly level.

The Master of Arts in International Relations program learning outcomes align closely with those of NQF Level VII in all areas of knowledge, skills, and competence.

Master of Arts in International Relations Learning Outcomes

NQF Level-VII Los LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7

Curriculum Overview and Workload

The Master of Arts in International Relations curriculum is organized into four modules: Core Competencies (22.5 ECTS), of which all courses are required, a Clusters Module divided into International Politics (30 ECTS) and Comparative Politics (15 ECTS) of which the required ECTS may be earned from any of a short roster of pre-selected courses, and Electives (7.5 ECTS), whereby students may earn from a larger pool of pre-selected discipline-specific courses, and finally culminating in a thesis (15 ECTS). The total required workload is 90 ECTS in 10 courses plus the thesis.

Full-time students working toward the Master of Arts in International Relations will usually carry a course load of four courses per semester. For each course in the Master of Arts in International Relations program with the exception of the thesis, students attend 36 hours of courses and conduct approximately another 151.5 hours of self-learning. Students working toward the Master of Arts in International Relations (MA) can complete the program in a minimum of three semesters.
Full course descriptions, individual learning outcomes, details about ECTS, weekly study schedules, and assessment criteria are available in each course syllabus, available via WVPU’s publicly accessible course schedule.

Curriculum Overview

Module 1: Core Competencies (22.5 ECTS)

*Students with an undergraduate degree in International Relations may exchange this course with any from any of the other modules.
**Types of courses include: Competency Courses (CC), Discipline Courses (DC), and Enrichment Courses (EC)
***[IL] – Interactive Lecture, [SE] – Seminar, [PT] – Practical Training, [CO] – Colloquium, and [TH] – Thesis
****AT/SL = Attendance (in-class hours)/Self-Learning (time devoted on subject out of the classroom)
Course Type** Format*** hrs./weeks AT/SL**** ECTS
INTL 5000 Introduction to International Relations* CC IL 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5100 Research Methods and Perspectives CC IL 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5900 Advanced Research Methods CC IL 3/12 36/151.5 7.5


Module 2: Clusters (45 ECTS)

Students must select six courses in all with four from the International Politics Cluster and two from the Comparative Politics Cluster. The courses presented below are examples of classes offered in these clusters module. New courses may be added to the course catalogue with varying topics and sub-topics.

Module 2/Cluster 1: International Politics (min. 30 ECTS)

Course Type Format h/w AT/SL ECTS
INTL 5510 Theories of International Relations CC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5530 International Law EC IL 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5400 International Political Economy EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5540 International Organizations CC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5550 War and Diplomacy EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5590 International Security CC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5560 US Foreign Policy EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5860 Issues in International Politics: Energy and Environmental Security EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5860 Issues in International Politics: Monetary Relations EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5860 Issues in International Politics: The Emerging Field of Geoeconomics EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5870 International Law and Politics of Outer Space EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5890 Terrorism in World Politics EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5

Module 2/Cluster 2: Comparative Politics (min. 15 ECTS)

Course Type Format h/w AT/SL ECTS
INTL 5050 Comparative Politics EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5580 Politics of Development EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5625 Middle East Area Studies EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5605 Topics in Comparative Politics: EU Foreign Policy CC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5605 Topics in Comparative Politics: The European Union and Asia Pacific CC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5605 Topics in Comparative Politics: The State and the Arts in the EU and the US EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5635 Western European Area Studies EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5645 Asian Area Studies EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5

Module 3: Electives (7.5 ECTS)

Students must earn 7.5 ECTS from any of the courses below or from the Cluster module. In addition to those listed, the following courses from other programs are accepted as meeting the Elective requirement: MRKT 5000 Marketing, MNGT 5590 Organizational Behavior, BUSN 5200 Basic Finance for Managers.

The below courses are to be understood as example courses and WVPU might only offer a selection of the classes listed below while at the same time presenting new elective courses in the respective semesters.

Course Type Format h/w AT/SL ECTS
INGO 5000 Non-Governmental Organizations EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5500 Professional Seminars EC PT 3/12 36/151.5 1-7.5
INTL 5610 Non-Thesis Readings/Research EC SE 3/12 36/151.5 7.5
INTL 5300 Field Work EC PT - Varies 1-7.5
INTL 6500 Internship EC PT - Varies 1-7.5

Module 4: Thesis (15 ECTS)

Course Type Format h/w AT/SL ECTS
INTL 6250 Master Thesis CC TH - 25/350 15

Roadmaps and Course Sequencing

While students working toward a Master of Arts in International Relations can complete the program in a minimum of three semesters, most students complete the program in four semesters. Curriculum in this program develops as students progress through their studies. For that reason, adhering to prescribed course sequencing is an essential component to success. The course syllabus or WVPU’s publicly accessible course schedule both list course prerequisites, if any.

Advisors are available to assist students with degree planning to help ensure proper course sequencing. Though most students will adhere to their respective program roadmap, advisors can help develop individualized degree plans when the situation warrants deviation from the roadmap. Advisors must approve all course registration requests before they are processed. Advisors also consult on issues related to academic and career goals, and university resources.

Program Development and Enhancement

The Master of Arts in International Relations program is subject to WVPU’s systematic Internal Quality Management System that incorporates continuous measures and involves the Executive Board, academic department heads and the University Senate. This ensures that its learning outcomes and the content of its curriculum impart advanced knowledge in the discipline while delivering the skills and competencies requisite for a master’s degree. WVPU’s quality management processes include a triannual program review and assessment of learning outcomes, course evaluations, an annual review of academic polices and processes, semi-annual performance reviews with units and employees and collected stakeholder feedback through semi-annual meetings and surveys supported by the university’s internal information systems.

Department faculty interview all incoming candidates of the MA in International Relations, allowing the department to directly assess the quality of candidates and thereby sustaining the high standards of the program. At the course level, each syllabus (including criteria and methods of assessment) is reviewed and approved by the department at least one semester prior to being published on the university’s course offerings, ensuring that learning outcomes are clearly stated and appropriately paired to the course’s content and assessment criteria. All students have access to the syllabus before the course begins, and in addition, faculty are required to review the syllabus on the first day of class. During the running of any course students interact with both the faculty member and the department’s administration alerting them to any problems that might arise and triggering procedures based on academic policies and procedures, particularly with reference to disputes between students and faculty.

The base selection of course offerings for any academic year is determined two years in advance through regular planning sessions. The process includes consultation with representatives of student government and incorporates additional student feedback through face-to-face meetings, town halls and anonymous course evaluations. Teaching assignments pairing faculty to courses are completed one year in advance. Prior to assigning a course to a faculty member, the department head verifies the individual’s qualifications and experience as an instructor. Students evaluate all first-time instructors in the third week of their course to provide feedback and allow for corrective measures if necessary.

Other continuous processes also play an important role in sustaining and enhancing the integrity of the program. All incoming Master of Arts in International Relations candidates are interviewed by members of the International Relations Department, allowing the department to directly assess the quality of candidates and thereby ensure that the high standards of the program are sustained. The head of the department meets monthly via video conference with counterpart degree program heads of Webster University and its campuses around the world not only to evaluate the program and suggest changes – thereby adding and shaping curricula and course content to meet WVPU student needs and national regulations – but also to integrate experiences from around the world and coordinate program enhancement at all locations where elements of the degree program are taught.

Admission to the Study Program

Admission to the Master of Arts in International Relations program follows the General Admission Requirements for Graduate Programs.

Supplementary Requirements for Conferment of the Degree

WVPU confers the academic degree of Master of Arts in International following the successful completion of all modules as stated in the Curriculum Overview and in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Candidates must complete all modules (90 ECTS) as stated in the Curriculum Overview.
  2. Students must successfully earn 75 ECTS in residence including all courses in Modules and a master thesis.
  3. All courses must be completed with a grade of B- or better.

The University reserves the right to approve and assign transferred credits as equivalencies to courses, which could result in fewer than 75 overall ECTS completed in residency.

WVPU Policies and Student Obligations

WVPU policies support and maintain the highest quality of education and service level for students. All students attending WVPU are obliged to adhere to university academic policies, including the Study and Examination Guidelines and the Code of Conduct, available on the WVPU website. Students are solely responsible for familiarizing themselves with all applicable university policies and procedures including those dictating academic standards.

Students are also fully responsible for managing their degree progress in compliance with the curriculum. This includes, but is not limited to: ensuring schedule accuracy each semester, adhering to all registration and payment deadlines, proactively addressing any issues that may interfere with degree progress, exclusively using the university assigned email address for all academic-related correspondence and observing course-specific deadlines and policies.

WVPU retains the right to update policies and procedures. Students will be informed of any such changes in a timely manner.

Faculty — International Relations

Active in 2020-2021

Faculty Member Area of Interest Contact
Aner Barzilay, PhD Topics in Modern European History
Dr. Elina Brutschin Methods of Political Inquiry and Advanced Research Methods
Dr. J. Werner Druml International Affairs
Univ.-Ass. Mag. Dr. Marcel Fink Comparative Politics
Dr. Eric Frey International Political Economy
Mag. Gerlad Garber Introduction to Political Argumentation and Debate
Dr. Sandra Goldstein Middle East Area Studies  
MMag. Dr. iur. Ralph Janik, LL.M. International Law
Dr. Monika Mokre Politics of Development and Refugee and Migration Movements
Prof. Iver B. Neumann, PhD Globalization and War and Diplomacy  
Mag. Dr Dieter Reinisch MRes The Age of Total War: Europe 1890-1945 and Contemporary Europe: 1945-Present
Dr. Astrid Reisinger Coracini International Law  
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