Webster Vienna Recognizes 'Tag der Geschlechterforschung'
December 05, 2023
As a premier research university, Webster Vienna Private University (WVPU) has been invited to participate in an annual recognition day celebrating gender research.
On Dec. 5, das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung — the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research — celebrates the second annual Tag der Geschlechterforschung, or the Day of Gender Research.
In recognition of this topic, Webster Vienna assistant professor of management, Eva Zedlacher, PhD, was interviewed about her gender research by International Relations student and marketing assistant Sofia Opferkuch.
In the interview, Zedlacher shares insights about how gender dynamics have influenced the experience of individuals working from home during the pandemic. She shared unique challenges or opportunities that have emerged at the intersection of gender and the home office environment.
“Work life has not always been physically separated from private life,” Zedlacher said.
“Before the industrial revolution and the emergence of large organizations and factories, people would often work at home — for example weaving with and beside their children. When modern organizations came into existence, the work sphere was segmented from the private sphere. Up until now, this separation causes some effort on how to best integrate both spheres in our lives via flexible work arrangements such as telework, home office or 'flying nannies' at the office."
The concept of a four-day workweek has drawn attention as a potential solution for improved work-life balance. Zedlacher has conducted research to begin to uncover how gender plays a role in the perception and implementation of a shorter workweek. In the interview, she shares insights into what organizations can do to foster an inclusive and gender-sensitive approach to remote work.
The Tag der Geschlechterforschung is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made in gender research.
Check out the video interview for more insights.